Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Making Banana (Only) Ice Cream... the Hard Way

This is how I failed to follow instructions, and attempted to make ice cream by blending frozen bananas.

The recipe says to peel the bananas, cut them up into tiny pieces, and then to freeze those pieces. Well, after I put my unpeeled bananas in the freezer, took them out and attempted to peel them, I found that to be impossible and had to let them thaw. Which made a goopy cold mess. So, once I removed the cold goop from the peels, I put the goop back into the freezer.

Which resulted in a block of frozen banana goop.

Which does not blend well at all. I started with medium sized blocks of banana goop, and when that failed to blend, I did something stupid.

I removed the jar from the base and shook it. Because, of course that would fix it. All it did was relieve some frustration, and I have to say that I might not have held the lid down securely. It was almost comical how banana (I promise I'm not exaggerating) flew around my kitchen.

Eventually, after waiting for the bananas to thaw more, and dicing the pieces up really tiny, I got it.

The result was a little melted, but I threw it in the freezer and it was fine. I should mention that this recipe is best done with a Vitamix or other high-powered blender. Trust me, the resulting ice cream was almost not worth the hassle. Almost.

Anyone attempt any Pinteresting recipes and fail horrible?
Anyone write a recap on how to do them wrong?
I'd love to laugh at myself, but I'm still chipping banana off my walls and the knife block.


  1. Oh no! it's like those Pinterest...Nailed it! funny cards you see in social media feeds. Funny. I only have a regular blender, so no banana ice cream for me. Thanks for the heads up. :-)

    1. I could make one of those 'Nailed It!' cards, except mine eventually turned out normal...ish. Definitely not as 'ice creamy' in texture but hey, it's banana. Definitely following directions next time!

  2. I definitely failed at this on my first attempt. I don't remember exactly what I did wrong (although I may have done the same thing you did), but it was a melty mess that in no way, shape or form resembled ice cream. It was much, much better on my second attempt!

    1. Knowing what I know now, second attempts are probably where the Pinterest successes are. I doubt anyone gets this right the first time.

  3. I did this once- mine wasn't attractive either! But I used a food processor and added cocoa powder and chopped chocolate- it was pretty tasty :)

    1. That sounds delicious! I was going to add peanut butter but once I got to a decent consistency, I was so done with the entire thing. Glad to know I'm not the only one, this is apparently a touchy recipe!

  4. We have an ice cream mixer and I think I've seen versions for that, so I may still give it a try - doing it with a blender sounds like a ton of work!

    1. If I had an actual ice cream mixer, I'd be making real ice cream! Trust me when I say the consistency (which for me is important) wasn't creamy. It was icy..... but up to you! I'm lucky I don't have an ice cream maker, weight loss would be non-existant :)

  5. Oh I had a very similar experience. My family ate the strange banana ice cream but I never made it again. I think having a high powered blender is important and we don't have one :( I have so many Pinterest fails, I could write a book!

    1. Seems this is a overall Pinterest-fail. Good to know others have trouble with this one too!


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