Friday, March 28, 2014

High-Five for Friday!

So it's the weekend. And, it seems that we're getting warmer again!

And soggier. But I'll take it.

Five things on Friday- GO!


I hit the 100's club!
Despite the pretty display that stares at me every lunch hour.
I think I've learned to just make a ton of salad on Sundays. That way, I have to eat a ton of salad.
We did have a dinner date on Wednesday. It was a nice change from leftovers, and a great restaurant!

Clearly caught off-guard.
Our photographer mailed our print for our bedroom, and out photo album!

I'll be back on Tuesday with the Blogging from A-Z April 2014 challenge!

What are you High-Fiving Friday for? That's a tongue-twister.


  1. I'm so glad it's starting to get warmer, albeit soggier. Those salads look great!


    1. Yeah, much more likely to eat something healthy if it looks good. All the healthy food options near my work are so sad. Most days I resort to 2 McD grilled wraps sans sauce, and apple slices.

      This helps!

  2. Good thinking on the salads. The best way to eat veggies is to prep veggies!

    1. Definitely. Fruit on the table is the next step. If I make the easy stuff to grab only the healthy stuff, I tend to do a lot better. Happy Friday!

  3. Those salads look like a fantastic idea for the week ahead... I might have to snag this idea from you! :D Also, congrats on hitting the 100's! I have yet to do the same, myself!

    1. Thank you! I was at 200.4 today, but it's so variable. I kind of miss having a scale that didn't calculate down to the ounce. That way you don't watch it go up .5 and down .5 constantly. Up .2, and down .8. These last 3 weeks were ridiculously annoying.

  4. Welcome to Onederland! I know what that's like. The variability makes me crazy...I fluctuate 3-5 pounds every month. :-/ You're doing great...keep up the good work! I'm thrilled to be following your blog. I think we have much in common.

    Hang in there with the weather. Boston and NY have the same weather...we'll get there. And walking outside will be much more tolerable.

    Happy weekend!

    1. Thanks for the support! I like the term onederland, when I jumped into the month of intermittent fasting, I dropped .5 every day at first. I miss those days.

      Your blog is an encouragement, can't believe you were so overweight. Following as well :-)


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