Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentines Day

This year was our first married Valentines, and it was remarkably similar to our first dating Valentines (not counting long-distance). Let's recap, because why not?

Our first Valentines was when I had been living in New York City for about 6 months, and we had no expendable cash. I decided to buy some red candles and bake sugar cookies. I do remember that I nearly wiped out my checking account to buy the baking sheet, rolling pin and red food dye to make them. (I do not miss those 'trying to make it in NYC on a shoestring' days.)

I carved hearts into the dough with a paring knife threw them in the fridge drawer to hide them. We finished the dinner we had ordered from the innovative Grubhub (we still love that site) and watched The Office. I then was a wuss and almost didn't bring them out. I was trying to not be a "love-sick girlfriend" and scare him I guess. I had some (now-apparent) disillusions about love and how a healthy relationship should not make the other feel guarded. Old baggage, right? But I did suck it up and throw myself, cookies first, into the relationship. And he loved em. Basically that was the first real step I took towards letting him meet the unguarded girl that sometimes does turn mushy).

 I remember he had bought us the Ferrero Rocher heart-shaped box with the awesome white chocolate coconut truffles. Anyone else try them? Amazing.

2012 Hm. Don't remember what we did. It's a good thing I started blogging when I did!

2013- He bought me roses, and sent them to my job on Valentines Day. My coworkers went nuts and it did feel awesome to be cliche. And I don't remember anything else.

"Will you be my vatentines" is what happens when they don't speak English well :)

Therefore this year, I did basically the same thing as 2010. Made sugar cookies, but this time used a heart cookie-cutter. Big spender, right? Decided to be a dork and surprised Tom with candles around the room and construction-paper hearts hung around the doorframe. We ordered food in (again) and watched a movie (again). It was awesome (again!).

Cinnamon Sugar Cookies
Tom saw this, and knew it trumped any pretty red box.

Maybe this low-key date will be a new tradition?

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